Choreographed by David J. McDonagh (UK -- )
Description 48 Count, 2-Wall Line Intermediate Dance
Music I’d Rather Ride Around With You - Reba McEntire (fast, preferred)
Rocky Top - The Osborne Brothers (Medium)
Love On The Loose, Heart On The Run - ‘McBride And The Ride (Slow),
Big Love - Tracy Byrd (Medium)
A Little More Love - Vince Gil’ (Fast)

	Hand Work
1 	Touch your left shoulder with right hand and palm facing down to the floor
& 	Push right elbow out to right side as far as it goes (Still with palm facing down)
2 	Turn your head a ¼ turn to the right (Still with palm facing down)
3 	Put the back of your right hand on your lower back
& 	On ball of left foot spin ½ a turn to your right hitching right knee (Still with hand on back)
4 	Step right next to left shoulder width apart (Again, with hand on back)
5 	Touch left shoulder with right hand
& 	Touch right shoulder with right hand
6 	Extend right arm forward with palm facing front
& 	Extend left arm forward with palm facing front (Keeping right arm extended)
7 	Drop both arms and loosen up
& 	On ball of left foot spin a ¼ turn to your right hitching right knee
8 	Touch right toe next to left

	Out, Out, In, In, Applejack, Applejack, Points And ¼ Turn
& 	Step right to right side
9 	Step left to left side
& 	Step right to centre (As you do so bring right arm up & parallel to your chest)
10 	Step left to centre (As you do so bring left arm up & parallel to your chest under right arm)
& 	With weight on left heel & right toe, swivel left toe and right heel to left (Keeping arms X’d)
11 	Return feet to centre (Still with arms X’d)
& 	With weight on left toe & right heel, swivel left heel and right toe to right (Arms still X’d)
12 	Return feet to centre (Again, arms are still X’d)
& 	Drop both arms and relax
13& 	Point right toe to right side, step right next to left
14& 	Point left toe to left side, step left next to right
15-16 	Step forward with right, do a ¼ turn to the left on balls of both feet

	Hip Bumps, Fans
17&18 	Step right forward while bumping hips right-left-right
19&20 	Step left forward while bumping hips left-right, as you bump hips left touch right next to left
& 	Fan your right heel to the right
21 	Fan your right heel to centre
&24 	Repeat counts &-21 another 3 times

	Touch Back-Forward-Back Hold, Touch Back-Forward-Back Hold
25-26 	Touch right toe behind left, touch right toe in front of left
27-28 	Step right foot behind left, hold for (1) count
29-30 	Touch left toe behind right, touch left toe in front of right
31-32 	Step left foot behind right, hold for (1) count

	Hook, Shuffles, & Touch
& 	Hook right heel across left knee
33&34 	Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
35&36 	Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
& 	On ball of left foot spin ½ a turn to the right while hooking right heel across left knee
37&38 	Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
39&40 	Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
& 	Touch right toe next to left

	Side Touch, Shuffle, 2 x ¼ Turns
41-42 	Step right to right side, touch left toe next to right
43&44 	Step left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
45-46 	Step right behind left, do a ¼ turn to the right on balls of both feet
47-48 	Step left in front of right, do a ¼ turn to the right on balls of both feet.