Arizona Waltz

Choreographed by 	Mark and Rebecca Magdanz
Description 	36 count, One Wall, Beginner Line Dance
Music		 I Love You Arizona - Rex Allen Jr. (Arizona State Song);
		or most any slow to medium tempo waltz
1-6 	Diagonal Waltz Basic Right (forward and back)
1-3 	Step forward left on a diagonal to right, Step right together, Step Left beside
4-6 	Step back right , step left beside right returning turn to center, step right together
7-12 	Diagonal Waltz Basic Left (forward and back)
1-3 	Step forward left on a diagonal to left, Step right together, Step Left beside
4-6 	Step back right , step left beside right returning turn to center, step right together
13-18 	Step, Drag Left : Step, Drag Right
1-3 	Step Left to the left (large), drag right beside left for 2 counts (no weight)
4-6 	Step Right to the right (large), drag left beside right for 2 counts (no weight)
19-24 	Waltz Box
1-3 	Step left forward, step right to the side, step left together
4-6 	Step right back, step left to the side, step right together
24-30 	R Back ½ (inside) Turn : R Sailor (lean in the opposite direction of the back crossing foot)
1-3 	Step back left preparing for R inside turn, Step right together completing ½ turn,
	Step Left beside R (6:00)
4-6 	Sweep right behind left, step ball of left to L side; step right next to left

31 – 36     L Sailor (lean in the opposite direction of the back crossing foot)  :    L Back (inside)  ½ Turn                                     
1-3 	Sweep left behind right, step ball of right to R side , step left next to right 
4-6    	Step back right preparing for L inside turn, Step left together completing ½ turn, Step Right beside L  (12:00)
	Repeat and Enjoy
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert August 2011