Choreographed By L Lungley November 1994
Description 48 Count intermediate partner dance In the side by side position,
Music Silver & Gold By Brooks & Dunn

1-2 Right step to side, Left cross behind right.
3-4 Right touch out to side, Pause for one beat
5-6 Right cross in front of Left, Left step to side.
7-8 Right touch behind Left, Pause for one beat.
9-10 Right step diagonally forward, Left slide up to right
11-12 Right step diagonally forward, Pause for one beat
13-14 Left step diagonally forward, Right slide up to right.
15-16 Left step diagonally forward, Pause for one beat
17-18 Right step to side, Left cross behind right
19-20 Right step to side making a 1/4 turn to right, Left touch next to right
21-22 Left step to side, Right cross behind left
23-24 Left step to side, right touch next to left
25-26 Right touch out to side, pause for one beat
27-28 Right step next to left, pause for one beat.
29-30 Left touch out to side, Pause for one beat
31-32 Left touch next to right, pause for one beat
33-34 Left step to side, Right cross behind left
35-36 Left step to side making a 1/4 turn to left, Right touch to left
37-38 Right step diagonally back, .Left touch next to right
39-40 Left step diagonally back, Right touch next to left
41-42 Right step forward, Left brush next to right
43-44 Left step forward, Right brush next to left.
45-46 Right step forward, Left brush next to right
47-48 Left step forward, Right foot brush next to left.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert December 2001