AB Kiss Me

Choreographed by 	Norman Gifford
Description 	Absolute Beginner level linedance
		One/Four-wall, 32 count, 120 BPM
Music 		Kiss Me, Honey, Honey, Kiss Me - Jane McDonald
		Start on the vocals 
(Rock forward, replace, triple step in place, rock back  replace, step together)
1-2 	Right rock forward; left replace
3&4 	Cha-cha steps in place (RLR)
	[Alternate step]
3-4 	Right together, hold
5-6 	Left rock back; right replace
7-8 	Left together; hold
(Rock side, replace, triple step in place, rock side, replace, step together)
1-2 	Right rock side; left replace
3&4 	Cha-cha steps in place (RLR)
	[Alternate step]
3-4 	Right together, hold
5-6 	Left rock side; right replace
7-8 	Left together; hold
(Walk, walk, walk, kick forward, back, back, back, touch)
1-4 	Walking steps forward (RLR); left low kick forward
5-8	Walking step back (LRL); right toe touch together (or back)
(Grapevine right, touch, grapevine left with ¼ turn, brush)
1-4 	Right step side; left behind; right step side; left touch by right
5-8 	Left step side; right behind; left step side turning ¼ left; right brush forward (9:00)
	[Alternate non-turning step]
5-8 	Left step side; right behind; left step side; right brush forward
Instructor may tailor the selected moves to match the ability level of the dancer with
the alternate steps, as needed.  In last 8 count pattern, side-together-side steps may be
substituted for the grapevines.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk September 2012