The Bull Shifts
POSITION Three people together ', preferably 2 ladies and 1 man, side by side, holding hands with 
the man in the middle facing LOD (counter clockwise).
MUSIC MUSTANG SALLY - the Commitments,
  PICK UP MAN by Joe Diffie.
NOTE Mixer dance that moves around the dance floor counter
  Caller cues are given if using a caller.

1-8 Forward and back marches (Caller:"Forward Ho! ")
1-2  step forward Right - Left 
3-4 Step forward Right, Left kick forward
5-6 Step back Left - Right
7-8 Step back Left, Right stomp beside left
9-24 Underarm turns (Caller: "Lady on the right")
9-16 Gent lifts left arm as lady on the right walks in front of the Gent and goes under his left arm. After 4 beats, the 
Gent will follow the lady going under his own arm, all returning to original position.
  (Caller: "Lady on the left)
17-24 Gent lifts right arm as lady on the left walls in front of the Gent and goes under his right arm. After 4 beats, 
the gent will follow the lady going under his own arm,all returning to original position
25-28 The Bull Shifts (Caller "And the Bull Shifts")
25-28 Ladies, march in place, Right, Left Right. Left while, the Gents march forward Right, Left, Right, Left to new partners.
29-32 hip bumps
29 - 30 Gent bumps hips twice with lady on the right
31- 32 Gent bumps hips twice with lady on the left
  Begin again.
  Step description prepared by Dick & Geneva (804-642-3159)

Jan 2000

  Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert