The Shadow

CHOREOGRAPHED By          Nancy A. Martin 219 / 942 - 9983
DESCRIPTION                      Couple Dance (32 steps plus four shuffles) Open hand hold Position
MUSIC                                  Don't Let Our Love Start Slippin' Away - Vince Gill
The Shadow Is a beautiful couples dance for tile beginner to Intermediate dancer,
choreographed by NANCY MARTIN of Lovin' Country Dance Club.
This dance Is sweeping northwest Indiana and south Chicago like a fire In tumbleweed.

MAN'S STEPS                                                          WOMAN'S STEPS
1-2          Step 1/4 turn to Right with Right                   Step 1/4 turn to Left with Left and touch
              touch with Left (facing woman)                      Right (facing man)
3- 4        Step 1/4 turn to Left , touch R (facing LOD )   Step 1/4 turn to Right , touch Left (facing LOD)

1 - 4       Four steps In place (R,L,R,L)                        Woman switches her Right hand in his Right
                                                                                hand, then she does a Left rolling vine (ending In
                                                                                front of the man, her back to his chest, Right
                                                                                hands at waist, Left hands extended)

The next 12 steps are done together:
1 - 4          (At 45 degree angle to right): Right step, Left slide to place; Right step, Left slide to place
1 - 4          (At 45 degree angle to left): Left step, slide Right to place; Left step, slide Right to place
1 - 4          Step back: Right, left, right, plant left foot

MAN'S STEPS                                                              WOMAN'S STEPS
1 - 4          Right rolling vine with touch                            Left rolling grapevine with touch
1 - 2          Turn 180 degrees to Left (reverse LOD),          Turn 180 degrees to Right, touch with Left
                touch with Rt. (switching hands from L to R)    (switching hands from R to L)
3 - 4         Turn 180 degrees to Right, touch Left              Turn 180 degrees to Left and touch Right
                (switching hands and facing forward LOD)       (switching hands and facing forward LOD)

Drop hands
1 - 4          Left rolling vine with touch (roll behind lady) Right rolling vine with touch (roll In front of man)

Rejoin hands
              Four Shuffles Right, left, right, Right Left, right, left, right

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert Oct 99