The Laidback Cowboy
Partner Version

Choreographer Peter Metelnick Canada [519] 439-5990 –
Description 32 Count Partner Dance in right Side By Side [Sweetheart] position
Music Back in Your Arms Again – Lorrie Morgan [start on Vocals]

1-8 Vine Right 2, Criss Cross, Vine Left 2, Triple Step in Place
1-2 Step right to right side Cross , step left behind right
&3 Step right to right side, Cross touch left over right
&4 Step left to left side, Cross step right over left
5-6 Step left to left side, Cross step right behind left
7&8 Step left to left side, Step right together, Step left next to right
9-12 Vine Right 2, Criss Cross
9-10 Step right to right side, Cross step left behind right
&11 Step right to right side, Cross touch left over right
&12 Step left to left side, Cross step right over left
Man Lady
13-16 Vine Left 2, Triple step in place  Spin 2, Triple Step in Place
13-14 Drop lady’s left and raise right arms up:
to spin your partner to left, step left to Left side, cross right behind
Drop man’s left and raise right arm up:
Complete a full turn travelling left in 2 counts
 15&16 Triple in place Left, Right Left Triple in place Lt, Rt Lt rejoining partners left hand
17-24 1/4Left pivot & Right Hitch, Bump Right X 3, Left Back, 1/2Right pivot & Right Hitch, 
Bump right X 2
17 Pivot 1/4Left on left & hitch right knee up [now facing ILOD, men will now be slightly behind partner]
18-20 Step right to right side & bump hips 3 times right [weight is on right]
21-22  Step back on left starting to turn half right, hitch right knee up completing 1/2 right turn
[Now facing OLOD men are almost totally behind partner]
23-24 Step right to right side & bump hips right twice [weight is on right]
25-28 Vine Lt 2, 1/4Left, Scuff Rt Forward  Spin Left 2, Scuff Right forward
25-26 Drop lady’s left and raise right arm up to Spin your
 partner to left; step left to left side, cross right
behind left
Drop man’s left & raise right arm up complete a full
turn travelling left in 2 counts
27-28 Turn 1/4Left on Left while rejoining left hands, 
Scuff right fwd [back to original position]
Turn 1/4Left on Left while rejoining left hands
Scuff right fwd [back to original position]
29-32 Right & Left Forward Shuffles
29&30 Right Shuffle
31&32 Left Shuffle