Choreographed by NORMA JEAN FULLER - (864) 855~2796
Description Progressive Beginner/intermediate, Partner Dance in Right
 Side-By-Side position
Music You're The Ticket - John Michael Montgomery
Are You Jimmv Ray - Jimmy Ray

Sailor shuffles
Note..   Travel slighty forward on tbese sailor shuffles
1& Cross Right behind Left and step, Step slightly to the left on ball of Left
2 Step slightly Forward on Right
3& Cross Left behind Right and step, Step slightly to the right on ball of Right
4 Step slightly Forward on Left
5- 8 Repeat beats 1 through i

Kicks, Hooks, Hip Bumps

9-10 Kick Right forward & Cross Right across Left shi, Kick Right forward
11& Step Right next to left and bump hips to the right, Bump hips to the left
12-13 Bump hips to the right, Kick Left forward
&14 Cross left across right shin, Kick Left forward
15& Step left next to Right and bump hips to the left, Bump hips to the right
16 Bump hips to the left
Turning Shuffles
Release Left hands and raise Right hands
17&18 Shuffle toward FLOD (RLR) beginning a full CW turn
19&20 Shuffle toward FLOD (LRL) continuing full CW turn
21&22 Shuffle toward FLOD (RLR) continuing full CW turn
23&24  Shuffle toward FLOD (LRL) and complete full CW turn
Rejoin Left hands returning to Rigbt Side by Side position facing FLOD

Cross, Step, Turn, Stomp, Syncopated Heel Swivels, Toe touch, Pivot, Toe Touch


Cross Right over left, Step back onto Left

27 Step to the right on Right making a 1/4 turn Right
Partners now face OLOD in the Indian position.
28-29  Stomp Left next to Right, Swivel heels to the right
&30 Swivel heels to the left, Swivel heels to the right
31& Touch Left toe to Left, Pivot 1/4 turn Left on ball of Right and step Left next to Right
32 Touch Right toe to the right
Partners nowface FLOD in (be Rigbt Side by Side position.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert September 2001