The Hams' Jam
(a.k.a. Stand By Your Hams!)


Peter Metelnick, London Ontario Canada, 11/98  519-439-5990,     fax: 519-439-6037 

description 1 wall - 64 count line dance
Music Stand By Your Man - Dixie Chicks (start on vocal)
Walkin' After Midnight - Fairground Attraction
I'll Take Texas - Vince Gill (start on vocal)
The Hustle - Scooter Lee

Dedicated to the Country Hams - here's to many more years of dancing!

1-8   R to R side, L cross-side touches, L cross over step, R to R side, L cross side cross touches
1-3  Step right  to right side, touch left toes in front of right , touch left toes to the left side
4 Cross Step left  over right
5-7 Step right  to right side, touch left toes in front of right , touch left toes to the left side
8 Touch left toes in front of right 
9-16 L side shuffle, rock back & recover, R side shuffle, rock back & recover
1&2 Step left  to left side, step right  together, step left  to left side
3-4 Step right  back and rock back, recover weight on left 
5&6 Step right  to right side, step left  together, step right  to right side
7-8  Step left  back and rock back. recover weight on right 
17-24   L to L side, R cross-side touches, R cross over step, L to L side, R cross-side-cross touches
1-3 Step left  to left side, touch right toes in front of left , touch right toes to the right side
4 Cross STEP right  over left
5 - 7 Step left  to left side, touch right toes in front of left , touch right toes to the right side
8 TOUCH Right toes in front of left 
25-32  R side shuffle, rock rack & recover, L side shuffle, rock back & recover
1&2 Step right  to right side, step left  together, step right  to right side
3-4 Step left  back and rock back, recover weight on right 
5&6 Step left  to left side. step right  together, step left  to left side
7-8 Step right  back and rock back, recover-weight on left 
33-40 Right traveling toe steps, Right side shuffle. rock & recover
1-4  Touch right toes to right side, step right heel down, cross touch left toes over right, step left heel down
5&6 Step right  to right side, step left  together, step right  to right side
7-8 Step left  back and rock back, recover weight on right 
41-48 Left traveling toe steps, Left side shuffle, rock & recover
1-4  Touch left toes to left side, step left heel down, cross touch right toes over left, step right heel down
5&6  Step left  to left side, step right  together, step left  to left side
7-8 Step right  back and rock back, recover weight on left 
49-56 Vine R with 1/2 R & L scuff, L side shuffle, rock & recover
1-4  Step Rt  to Rt side, cross step left  behind right, step right  to right turning 1/2 right, Scuff left  fwd
5&6 Step left  to left side, step right  together, step left  to left side
7-8 Step right  back, recover weight on left 
57-64 Vine RIGHT with 1/2 RIGHT & LEFT scuff, LEFT side shuffle, rock & recover
1-4 Step Rt  to Rt side, cross step left  behind Rt, step right  to right side turning 1/2 Right, scuff Left fwd
5&6  Step left  to left side, step right  together, step left  to left side
7-8  Step right  back, recover-weight on left 

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert April 2001