The 4 x 4

Choreographed by Mary Brio, Shirley Lewis, Bey Boers, Wes Anderson, 
Patti Bradley, Bob & Dian Meyers, Al Perro, Bob Prusak, 
Clara Harvey & Danelle Wassilewsk
Description Four-Wall Line Dance
MUSIC Pick-Up Man - Joe Diffie

Heel Touches, Heel Taps
1 -2 Touch Right heel forward and diagonally to the right, Step Right next to left
3 -4 Touch Left heel forward and diagonally to the left, Step Left  next to Right
5 - 6 Touch Right heel forward and diagonally to the right, Step Right  next to left
7 - 8 Tap Left heel forward and diagonally to the left twice

Hip Bumps, Hip Roll
9 - 10 Step down onto Left  and bump hips to the left twice
11 - 12 Bump hips to the right twice
13 - 16 Slowly roll hips from right to left on these four beats

Vine Right, Touch, Left Kick-Ball Changes
17 - 18 Step to the right on Right , Cross Left behind Right and step
19 - 20 Step to the right on Right , Touch Left next to Right
21& 22 Kick Left  forward, Step onto ball of Left  next to Right , Shift weight onto Right 
23&24 Repeat beats 21 & 22

Vine Left, Touch, Right Kick-Ball Changes
25 -26 Step to the left on Left , Cross Right  behind Left and step
27 - 28 Step to the left on Left , Touch Right  next to Left
29 & 30 Kick Right  forward, Step onto ball of Right  next to Left ,
Shift weight onto Left 
31&32 Repeat beats 29 & 30

CCW Military Pivots, Stomp, Hold & Clap
33 - 34 Step forward on Right , Pivot 1/2 turn CCW on Right  and shift weight to Left 
35 - 36 Repeat beats 33 and 34
37 - 38 Stomp Right  next to left, Hold and clap hands

Side Shuffles, Rock Steps
39&40 Shuffle sideways to the right (RLR)
41- 42 Cross Left  behind Right and step, Rock forward onto Right 
43&44 Shuffle sideways to the left (LRL)
45 - 46 Cross Right  behind Left and step, Rock forward onto Left 

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert April 2001