Choreographed by  Max Perry & Joanne Brady
Description 32 Count 2 Wall Easy Line Dance
Music Take it from me - Scooter Lee
You may also use any Swing or Cha-Cha tempo - dance starts on vocals

1,2,3,4 CURVING SHUFFLES-Right curving shuffle forward (R,L,R), Left curving shuffle back (L,R,L)
NOTE: Total amount of turn is 1/2 right, spread over the two shuffles (you should be facing the back wall)
5,6 ROCK STEP BACK- Rock step back right, step in place L
7,8 STOMP, STOMP - stomp R together, stomp L in place
1,2,3,&,4 VINE RIGHT W/ RIGHT SHUFFLE - Step side R, cross L behind R step side R, step together L, step in place R (shuffle)
5,6,7,&,8 VINE LEFT W/ LEFT SHUFFLE - Step side L, cross R behind L, step side L, step together R, step in place L (shuffle)
1,2,3,4 STEP, hitch, SLAP- Step forward R, hitch L knee and slap with R hand, step forward L, hitch R knee and slap with L hand
5,6, HIP BUMP - As you step down with R (feet slightly apart), push right hip to right, push left hip to left
7,&,8 CLAP HANDS 3 Times (feet are slightly apart with weight on left)
1-8 4 1/4 TURNS LEFT OR PADDLE TURNS (WITH HIP BUMPS) Step forward with R & turn 1/4 left, step in place L, repeat 3 more times
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk April 2001