Some Lovin'

Choreographed By Ann Williams. Country Cousins Western Dancers -
Description  Partner Dance (52 Count) Start in Right Side by Side Position. Sweetheart
Music If You'd Like Some Lovin' "' 90 bpm.
Circle of Friends"' 110
I've Got My Baby On My Mind," 110 bpm. – David Ball Starlight Lounge

Turn. Hold. Sway. Chasse'. Cross Rock. Chasse'. Step. Pivot. Shuffle.
1-4  Step left forward making 1/4 turn right. Hold for one beat. Weight on left .
Hands held over lady's shoulders. Sway hips to the right and to the left.
5&6 Chasse right. Step right to the side, step left beside right.step right to the side.
7-8 Step and cross rock left over right. Rock back onto right.
9&10 Chasse' left making 1/4 turn left on last step to face L.O. D.
11-14 Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left to face R.L.O.D. Right shuffle forward.
Release right hands, raise left, man turns under raised hands. Rejoin right hands behind man's back.
Turn. Hold. Sway. Chasse. Cross Rock. Chasse. Step. Pivot. Shuffle.
15-18 Step left forward making 1/4 turn right. Hold for one beat. Weight on left.
Hands held behind man's back at waist level. Sway hips to the right and to the left.
19&20 Chasse' right. Step right to the side, step left beside right, step right to the side.
21-22 Step and cross rock left over right. Rock back onto right .
23&24 Chasse left making 1/4 turn left on last step to face R.L.O.D.
25-28 Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left to face L.O.D. Right shuffle forward.
Release right hands, raise left and pass over lady's head as she turns.
Rejoin right hands in Right Side by Side Position.
Turn. Behind. step. Curtsy. Turn. Kick. Coaster Step.
29-32 Step left forward making 1/4 turn to face O.L.O.D. Step and cross right behind left.
Hands held over lady's shoulders in Indian Position.
Step left to the side. Touch right toe behind left and bend left knee in a curtsy.
Extend arms to side, lower right, raise left hands.
33-34 Step back onto right making 1/4 turn left to face L.O.D. Kick left forward.
Now back in Right Side by Side Position.
35&36  Step left back. Step right beside left. Step left forward. Coaster step.
Turn. Behind. Step. Curtsy. Turn. Kick. Coaster Step.
37-40  Step right forward making 1/4 turn left to face I.L.O.D. Step and cross left behind right.
Release left hands, raise right and pass over lady's head. Rejoin left hands in Reverse Indian Position.
Step right to the side. Touch left toe behind right and bend right knee in a curtsy.
Extend arms to side, lower left and raise right hands.
41-42 Step back onto left making 1/4 turn right to face L.O.D. Kick right forward.
Release left hands, raise right and pass over lady's head. Rejoin left hands in Right Side by Side position.
43&44  Step right back. Step left beside right. Step right forward. Coaster Step.
Windmill Turn Shuffles.
45&46 Left shuffle forward, turning body slightly right and extending arms. Prep. for turn.
47&48  Right shuffle making 1/2 turn left to face R.L.O.D
Release left hands, pass right arms over ladies head and lower behind man's back. Rejoin left hands in front.
49&50  Left shuffle making 1/2 turn left to face L.O.D.
Release right hands, raise left hands and pass over lady's head as you turn.
51&52  Right shuffle forward.
Rejoin right hands back into Right Side by Side Position.
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate,Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert October 2001