Hold. Sway. Chasse'. Cross Rock. Chasse'. Step. Pivot. Shuffle. |
1-4 |
Step left forward making 1/4
turn right. Hold for one beat. Weight on left . |
Hands held over lady's
shoulders. Sway hips to the right and to the left. |
5&6 |
Chasse right. Step right to
the side, step left beside right.step right to the side. |
7-8 |
Step and cross rock left over
right. Rock back onto right. |
9&10 |
Chasse' left making 1/4 turn
left on last step to face L.O. D. |
11-14 |
Step right forward. Pivot 1/2
turn left to face R.L.O.D. Right shuffle forward. |
Release right hands,
raise left, man turns under raised hands. Rejoin
right hands behind man's back. |
Hold. Sway. Chasse. Cross Rock. Chasse. Step. Pivot. Shuffle. |
15-18 |
Step left forward making 1/4
turn right. Hold for one beat. Weight on left. |
Hands held behind man's
back at waist level. Sway hips to the right and to the left. |
19&20 |
Chasse' right. Step right to
the side, step left beside right, step right to the side. |
21-22 |
Step and cross rock left over
right. Rock back onto right . |
23&24 |
Chasse left making 1/4 turn
left on last step to face R.L.O.D. |
25-28 |
Step right forward. Pivot 1/2
turn left to face L.O.D. Right shuffle forward. |
Release right hands,
raise left and pass over lady's head as she turns.
Rejoin right hands in Right Side by Side Position. |
Behind. step. Curtsy. Turn. Kick. Coaster Step. |
29-32 |
Step left forward making 1/4
turn to face O.L.O.D. Step and cross right behind left. |
Hands held over lady's
shoulders in Indian Position. |
Step left to the side. Touch
right toe behind left and bend left knee in a curtsy. |
Extend arms to side,
lower right, raise left hands. |
33-34 |
Step back onto right making
1/4 turn left to face L.O.D. Kick left forward. |
Now back in Right Side
by Side Position. |
35&36 |
Step left back. Step right
beside left. Step left forward. Coaster step. |
Behind. Step. Curtsy. Turn. Kick. Coaster Step. |
37-40 |
Step right forward making 1/4
turn left to face I.L.O.D. Step and cross left behind right. |
Release left hands,
raise right and pass over lady's head. Rejoin left hands in Reverse
Indian Position. |
Step right to the side. Touch
left toe behind right and bend right knee in a curtsy. |
Extend arms to side,
lower left and raise right hands. |
41-42 |
Step back onto left making
1/4 turn right to face L.O.D. Kick right forward. |
Release left hands,
raise right and pass over lady's head. Rejoin left hands in Right Side
by Side position. |
43&44 |
Step right back. Step left
beside right. Step right forward. Coaster Step. |
Turn Shuffles. |
45&46 |
Left shuffle forward, turning
body slightly right and extending arms. Prep. for turn. |
47&48 |
Right shuffle making 1/2 turn
left to face R.L.O.D |
Release left hands,
pass right arms over ladies head and lower behind man's back. Rejoin
left hands in front. |
49&50 |
Left shuffle making 1/2 turn
left to face L.O.D. |
Release right hands,
raise left hands and pass over lady's head as you turn. |
51&52 |
Right shuffle forward. |
Rejoin right hands back
into Right Side by Side Position. |