Choreographed by Serena Cannon & T.E. Mayo
Description   Partner Dance. Side by Side. (Sweetheart) Cha Cha
Music  Any cha cha 100 to 112 BPM.
Dance starts facing O.L.O.D. Man behind lady in Indian Position.

1- 2   Rock back on right  behind left at 45 degrees. Rock forward onto left 
3&4 Cha cha cha in place
5 - 6 Rock back on left  behind right at 45 degrees. Rock forward onto right 
7 &8 Cha cha cha in place.
9-12 Repeat steps 1 to 4.
13-14 Rock back on the left  behind right making 1/4 turn CCW. (now facing LOD) Rock forward on right 
15-16 Step forward on left . Slide right up to left.
17-18 Step forward on left & Slide right  next to left
19-20  Step forward on left , Slide right  next to left
21-22 Step forward on left , Cross right  over left
23-24 Step back on left , Step right beside left.
25 - 28 Repeat steps
29-30 Rock forward on the left , and Rock back onto right
31&32 Cha cha cha in place
33-34 Rock back on right  with the lady turning 1/4 turn CW to outside LOD.
35&36  Rock forward on the left , Cha cha cha forward whilst lifting right arms and lady turns 3/4 turn 
CCW now facing each other with arms crossed Right over Left
37-38  Rock forward o n left, Rock back on right  Rock back on left, Rock forward on right
39&40 Cha cha cha in place Cha cha cha turning 1/2 turn CW whilst returning to
sweetheart position
41-42 Rock back on right ,rock forward on left
43&44 Cha cha cha forward
45-46 Step forward on left  whilst turning 1/2 turn CW. Return weight to right & Rock forward on left, Rock back on right
47&48 cha cha cha LRL turning another 1/2 turn finishing in Hammerlock. Cha cha cha in place
49-50 Rock back on right  and rock forward on left . Drop left hands and      Rock back on right  and forward on left . Drop left hand & 
51&52 Cha cha cha turning 1/4 turn CW to face OLOD.   turn 3/4 turn CCW on the cha cha cha. to face OLOD
Return to indian position
53-54 Step to the left and hip bump, transfer weight to right  and Hip bump
55&56 Cha cha cha (LRL) in place.

WE would like to apologize to the Choreographer for adding Two beats into the dance [beats 19_20]
As we found from that point on we, without the extra beats, we were dancing the rest of the dance on the up beat.
This meant that until the next 18 beats of the next sequence were danced you would remain on the up beat.
This we felt spoilt a rather nice dance. If any one out there knows who the Choreographer is, please left us know.
We saw the dance on CMT so it is possible that the dancers were not doing it correctly
Keep dancing - Colin & Bernice Caddick