Choreographed by Ellie & Floyd Meerman (517) 627- 7876
Description Partner Dance, Couples start in the sweetheart position. (side-by-side)
MUSIC A Real Good Way To Wind Up Lonesome - James House;
Earthquake - Ronnie Milsap;
I Like It, I Love It - Tim McGraw
Note:  Man and lady follow same footwork for the first 14 beats
and the last 10 beats of the pattern. Beats 15 through 30 are mirror image steps for both partners.

MAN (or both)  LADY (where noted)

Diagonals & Stomps

1-2 Step forward and diagonally left on Left, Stomp Right next to Left (stomp up)
3-4 Step back and diagonally right on Right, Stomp Left next to Right (stomp up)
5-6 Step back and diagonally left on Left, Stomp Right next to Left (stomp up)
7-8 Step forward and diagonally right on Right, Stomp Left next to Right (stomp down)
Heel Clicks, Heel Swivels
9-10 With feet together raise up on balls of feet and click heels on floor twice
11-12 Swivel heels to the left, Swivel heels back to centre
13-14  Swivel heels to the right, Swivel heels back to centre
Back Steps, Scoots, Double Stomp
15-16  Step back on Right, Left Step back on Left, Right
17-18 Hitch Rt knee & scoot backwards on Lt twice  Hitch Lt knee and scoot backward on Rt twice
19-20 Stomp Right next to Left twice  Stomp Left next to Right twice
Step-Pivot, Stomps, Hand Claps  Release partners hands.
21-22  Step forward on Right pivot 1/2 turn left  Step forward on Left & pivot 1/2 turn right
23-24 Stomp Right next to Left twice Stomp Left next to Right twice
25-26 Clap hands twice  Same as man
27-28  Step forward on Right and pivot 1/2 left  Step forward on Left & pivot 1/2 turn right
29-30 Stomp in place Right, left [stomp up]  Stomp in place Left, right [stomp down]
Weight is on Right for both partners.
Scoots Forward, Forward Shuffles
31-32 Hitch Left knee and scoot forward on Right twice
33&34 Shuffle forward (LRL)
35&36 Shuffle forward (RLR)
37&38 Shuffle forward (LRL)
39&40 Shuffle forward (RLR)
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert May 2001