MAN (or both) |
LADY (where noted) |
Diagonals & Stomps |
1-2 |
Step forward and diagonally left on Left, Stomp Right next to Left (stomp up) |
3-4 |
Step back and diagonally right on Right, Stomp Left next to Right (stomp up) |
5-6 |
Step back and diagonally left on Left, Stomp Right next to Left (stomp up) |
7-8 |
Step forward and diagonally right on Right, Stomp Left next to Right (stomp down) |
Heel Clicks, Heel Swivels |
9-10 |
With feet together raise up on balls of feet and click heels on floor twice |
11-12 |
Swivel heels to the left, Swivel heels back to centre |
13-14 |
Swivel heels to the right, Swivel heels back to centre |
Back Steps, Scoots, Double Stomp |
15-16 |
Step back on Right, Left |
Step back on Left, Right |
17-18 |
Hitch Rt knee & scoot backwards on Lt twice |
Hitch Lt knee and scoot backward on Rt twice |
19-20 |
Stomp Right next to Left twice |
Stomp Left next to Right twice |
Step-Pivot, Stomps, Hand Claps |
Release partners hands. |
21-22 |
Step forward on Right pivot 1/2 turn left |
Step forward on Left & pivot 1/2 turn right |
23-24 |
Stomp Right next to Left twice |
Stomp Left next to Right twice |
25-26 |
Clap hands twice |
Same as man |
27-28 |
Step forward on Right and pivot 1/2 left |
Step forward on Left & pivot 1/2 turn right |
29-30 |
Stomp in place Right, left [stomp up] |
Stomp in place Left, right [stomp down] |
Weight is on Right for both partners. |
Scoots Forward, Forward Shuffles |
31-32 |
Hitch Left knee and scoot forward on Right twice |
33&34 |
Shuffle forward (LRL) |
35&36 |
Shuffle forward
(RLR) |
37&38 |
Shuffle forward
(LRL) |
39&40 |
Shuffle forward
(RLR) |