Choreographed by Dick & Sandra Sharp, 12/97 Revised 1/13/99 517-832-7582
Description 40 Count, Partner Dance in Closed Position
Music Right On The Money (Alan Jackson)
Just You And Me (Delbert McClinton) Dance

1&2 (Man) Left shuffle forward             (Lady) Right shuffle back
3&4 (Man) Right shuffle forward           (Lady) Left shuffle back
5-8 (Man) Walk forward L-R-L-R
(bringing left hand, lady's right, over lady's head into wrap)
(Lady) Step back on right, step on left while turning 1/2 turn CCW, step forward on right, step forward on left
1&2 (Man) Left shuffle in place (release left hand, lady's right)
(Lady) Right shuffle to right with 1/2 turn CW
3&4 (Man) Right shuffle in place (Lady) Left shuffle to left with 1/2 turn CW
(Option Steps 1-4, Lady can do a rolling grapevine, taking weight on step 4, Man can do 4 steps in place) (Lady has unwrapped to a single hand hold, both facing down LOD)
5-8 (Man) Cross left over right, step back on right, step to left on left, step right together
(Lady) Cross right over left, step back on left, step to right on right, step left together (Inside jazz box)
1 (Man) Step forward on left turning 1/4 turn CW to face partner (join left hand, lady's right)
(Lady) Step forward on right turning 1/4 turn CCW to face partner (join right hand, man's left)
2-4 (Man) Cross right behind left and step, step left to left, touch right beside left
(Lady) Cross left behind right and step, step right to right, touch left beside right
5 (Man) Step right to right (raise left hand, lady's right, over lady's head)
(Lady) Step left to left turning 1/4 turn CCW
6 (Man) Cross left behind right and step (bring left hand, lady's right down into wrap position)
(Lady) Step forward on right turning 1/2 turn CCW
7&8 (Both) Coaster step (back on man's right, lady's left; together with man's left, Lady's right;
forward on man's right, lady's left)
1&2 (Man) (Release right hand, lady's left) Shuffle fwd L-R-L turning 1/4 turn CW to face partner
(Lady) Triple step in place R-L-R bringing left hand to man's right shoulder
(Now in closed position with man's back down line of dance)
3&4 (Both) Shuffle down line of dance with 1/2 turn CW (Man R-L-R, Lady L-R-L)
(Still in closed position with lady's back now down LOD)
5-8 (Man) (Raise left hand, lady's right, over lady's head) Step forward on left starting 1/2 turn CW,
step back on right completing 1/2 turn CW, step back on left bringing hands down,step right together
(Lady) Step back on right starting a full turn CW, step forward on left continuing turn, step back on right
completing turn, step left together
1-2 (Man) Bump hips left twice                     (Lady) Bump hips right twice
3-4 (Man) Bump hips right twice                   (Lady) Bump hips left twice
5-6 (Man) (Raise left hand, lady's right, over lady's head) Step forward left, right
(Lady) Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn CCW placing weight on left
7-8 (Man) Pivot 1/2 turn CCW placing weight on left, step forward on right      (return to closed position)
(Lady) Step forward on right, pivot 1/2 turn CCW stepping back on left      (return to closed position)
Begin Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert June 2001