Sham Rock Shake

Choreographed by Robert & Regina Padden
Music Suggestion: I'll Tell Me Ma by Shamrock
32 Count. 4 Wall Line Dance

1-2         Step forward on R foot, kick L forward
3&4        Cross L foot in front of right, step R foot to right side, rock weight onto L
5&6        Cross R foot in front of left, step L foot to left side, rock weight onto R
7-8         Step forward with Left, pause for 1 beat

9-10     Pivot 1/2 turn right (clockwise) on balls of both feet, pause for 1 beat
11&12  Step left, right, left in place completing 1/2 mm to the right (clockwise)
            you are back facing the wall you started at)
13-14   Step forward on R foot, step forward on Left
15&16 Touch right toe behind L foot, scoot back on L foot, step back on R 

17& 18 Shuffle forward LRL
19&20  Shuffle forward RLR
21-22   Cross left over right, unwind by doing 3/4 turn to the right (clockwise)
23-24   Do the SHAMROCK SHAKE ... i.e. Bump hips forward twice while holding 
            both hands behind your head or if you think of something else, go ahead 
            and " it,  have some fun

25&     Touch left heel forward, hitch left & scoot forward on R
26&     Touch left heel forward, hitch left & scoot forward on R
27&     Touch left heel forward, hitch left & scoot forward on R 
28&     Touch left heel forward, hitch left & scoot forward on R

Option that can be used for the steps 25-28 & during Chorus
25&     Touch left heel forward, hitch left & scoot forward on R
26       Touch left heel forward
27&28 Clap hands 3 times

29&    Touch left heel forward, step weight onto L
30&    Touch right heel forward, step weight onto R
31&    Touch left toe behind right, step weight onto L
32      Touch right beside left (leave weight on left)
Try and add the following to steps 29-32
Clap hands at waist level on count 29
Clap hands above head on count 30
Clap hands behind your back on count 31
Clap hands in front on count 32