Pina Colada Cha                                     2 Pages
Choreographed by Judy McDonald (Canada) Nov 97
Description: 64 COUNT ( Plus 20 - bridge ) INTERMEDIATE Line Dance
Music Two Pina Coladas by Garth Brooks (120 bpm ) from Sevens Album

Section 1 Rock Steps. 1/4 Turn Shuffle, Rock Steps, Triple Step.
1 - 2 Rock forward on right. Rock back onto left Rock Step.on the spot
3 & 4 Step right 1/4 turn right. Close left to right. Step right forward. Triple 1/4 Turn. Turning right.
5 - 6 Rock forward on left. Rock back onto right. Rock. Step. On the spot.
7 & 8 Triple step in place (Left, Right, Left). Triple Step.
Section 2 Step, Pivot 1/2 Turn Left, Forward Triple x 2, Rock Step.
9 - 10 Step forward right. Pivot 1/2 turn left. Step. Pivot. Turning left.
11 & 12 Step forward right. Close left to right. Step in place Triple step. On the spot
13 & 14 Step forward left. Close right to left. Step in place Triple step On the spot
15 - 16 Rock back right. Rock forward onto left. Rock. Step. On the spot.
Section 3 Repeat.
17 - 32 Repeat steps 1 - 16 (Section 1 & Section 2).
Section 4 Right Grapevine, Triple Step, Weave Right.
33 - 34 Step right to right side. Cross left behind right Step. Behind. Right.
35 & 36 Triple step on the spot - (Right, Left, Right). Triple Step. On the spot.
37 - 38 Cross left over right. Step right to right side. Cross. Side Right.
39 - 40 Cross left behind right. Step right to right side. Behind. Side. Right.
Section 3 Left Grapevine, Triple Step, Weave Left.
41 - 42 Step left to left side. Cross right behind left. Step, Behind. Left.
43 & 44 Triple step on the spot - (Left, Right, Left). Triple step. On the spot.
45 - 46 Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Cross. Side. Left.
47 - 48 Cross right behind left. Step left to left side. Behind. Side Left.
Section 6 Slow Rock Forward, Triple Step x 2.
49 - 50 Stepping forward right slowly roll hips forward, (two beats) Forward Roll. Forward.
51 & 52 Triple step in place - (Left, Right, Left). Triple Step. On the spot.
53 - 56 Repeat steps 49 - 52.
Section 7 Rock, Triple Step, Rock, Step, Hold, Step, Step.
57 Rock forward on right foot Rock (1). On the spot.
58 & 59 Triple step on the spot - (Left,, Right, Left). Triple Step (2 & 3)
60 - 61 Rock back on right. Step left in place. Rock (4). Step (5).
62 Hold (on count 6). Hold (6).
63 - 64 Step forward right. Step forward left. Right (7). Left (8). Forward.
Note: Steps 7 - 8 These two steps are danced on the words 'Bring ... Me' as the tempo of the music slows. 
On the 2nd wall the tempo remains in normal time for these steps which are followed by the bridge. 
On the 4 th wall the tempo slows again, this time four steps are danced (right, left, right, left)
 on the words 'Bring ... Bring ... Bring . . . Me'. For added effect and loads of fun join Garth and sing along
Bridge: The instrumental bridge is heard at the end of the second wall only. Dance the following section to fill the bridge, 
then return to the beginning and continue as normal.
  Bridge Forward Rocks, Triple Stops x 2, Pivot 1/2 Turn Left.
1 - 2 Rock forward on right. Rock back onto left. Right Rock. On the spot
3 & 4 Triple step in place - (Right, Left, Right). Triple Step
5 - 6 Rock forward on left. Rock back onto right. left Rock
7 & 8 Triple step in place - (Left, Right, Left). Triple Step.
9 - 10 Step forward right. Pivot 1/2 turn left; Step Pivot Turning
  Forward Rocks, Triple Steps x 2, Pivot 1/2 Turn Left.
11 - 20 Repeat steps 1 - 10 of Bridge. Start dance again from Section 1.