Partners in the Dark
Choreographed By Mabel Thompson - 01634 327608
Description 32 count circle partner dance. Dance starts in Right Side by Side [ aka Sweetheart ] position,
both on same foot
Music Smoke Rings in the Dark, - Gary Allan
From the" Smoke Rings in the Dark" Album.
Adapted from Jo Thompsons' Dancing in the Dark. [ line Dance ]
Section 1. Grapevine travelling forward.
1-8 Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, sweep left toe around and across right on counts
4&5 take weight onto left, step back on right, step left to left & hold,
Section 2 Rocks forward and back
1-8 Rock forward on right, rock in place on left, Rock back onto right taking weight, hold. Rock- back on left,
rock in place on right Rock forward onto left taking weight, hold.
Section 3 Step turn steps with holds.
1-8 Step forward on right (releasing right hands raising left) Make half a turn left, Join right hands behind mans back)
tep forward oil right, hold. Step forward on left (releasing left hands raising right) make half a turn right
(back into side by Side) step forward on left, hold.
Section 4. Right and left step locks.
1-8 Step forward on right, cross left behind right, step forward on right, hold.
Step forward on left, cross right behind right, step forward on left, hold.
  START AGAIN. (note all hold steps are for 1 count) September 2000