Choreographed By   Carter Butler from Georgia
Description Couples in circle facing each other holding hands. .Men on outside facing center of circle, ladies on inside facing outward. An easy mixer, great for one night stands and beginners
Music Turkey in the straw, any Polka or Reel tempo music.

Steps 1-4
Gent Left heel forward, Left toe back, Left heel forward, Left toe back
Lady Right heel forward, Right toe back, Right heel forward. Right Toe back
Steps 5-8 Gent Left step to side, Right slide
Left step to side, Right slide
Left step to side, Right slide
Left step to side, Right slide
Lady Right step to side, Left slide
Right step to side, Left slide
Right step to side, Left slide
Right step to side, Left slide
Steps 9-12
Gent Right Heel forward, Right toe back, Right Heel forward, Right toe back
Lady Left heel forward, Left toe back, Left heel forward, Left toe back
Steps 13-16
Gent Right step to side, Left slide (1 beat)
Right step to side, Left slide
Right step to side, Left slide

Right step to side, Left slide

Lady Left step to side, Right slide
Left step to side, Right slide

Left step to side, Right slide

Left step to side, Right slide
Step 17-24: Drop hands
Clap right hands together three times (2 beats)
Clap left hands together three times (2 beats)

Clap both hands together three times (2 beats)

Clap own hands together three times (2 beats)
Steps 25-30: Hook right elbows
Stepping clockwise in Do-si-do style, take six steps making a complete circle
Gents start on left , Ladies start on right
Steps 31-32: Partner change
Let go of elbows Gent takes two steps to his left to face next lady on his left
Lady takes two steps in place she receives a new partner.
Join hands across and start over.