Choreographed by RICK & DEBORAH BATES (219) 365-83.19
Description Progressive Intermediate Partner Dance Routine in Right Side-By-Side position
Music Neon Flame - Terri Clark.
Note This dance follows the following Sequence A, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, B, A,,A

Diagonal Step-Slides, Swivets
1-2 Step diagonally forward to right on Right, Slide left up next to Right
3-4 Step diagonally forward to right on Right, Slide left up next to Right
5 On the heel of Right and ball of Left , swivel Right toe, to the right and left heel to the left
6 Swivel Right toe and Left heel back to centre
7 On the heel of Left and ball of Right , swivel Left toe to the left. and Right heel to the right
8 Swivel Left toe, and Right heel back to centre
Vine left, Touch, Toe Touches
9-10 Step to the left on Left, Cross Right behind Left
11-12 Step to the left on Left , Touch Right toe next to left
13-14 Touch Right toe forward, Touch Right toe to the right
15-16 Touch Right toe behind left, Touch Right toe to the right
Turning Jazz Square, Scuff, Charleston Kick
17-18 Cross Right over Left Step back onto left in place
19-20 Step slightly to the right on Right making a. 1/4 turn Right Scuff Left next to Right
Partners now face OLOD in Indian Position.
21-22 Step forward on Left, Kick Right
23-24 Step back on Right, Touch left toe back.
Vine Left, Turn, Pivot & Scuff, Vine Right, Turn Pivot & Scuff
25-26 Step to the left on left, Cross Right behind Left
27 Step to the Left on Left making a 1/4 turn Left
Release Left hands and raise Right hands. Man passes raised Right hands forward over Lady's
head as she
&28 Pivot 1/4 turn Left on ball of Left, Scuff Right forward
Rejoin Left hands behind mans back. Partners now face ILOD in Reverse Indian position
29-30 Step to the right on Right, Cross Left behind Right
Release Left hands & Raise Right hands. Man passes raised Right hands back over lady's head as she turns.
31&32 Step to the right on Right making a 1/4 turn Right, Pivot 1/4 turn Right on ball of Right Brush left forward
Rejoin Lt hands above Lady's Lt shoulder. Partners now face OLOD in the Indian position.
Side Steps, Toe Touches
33-34 Step to the left on Left, Touch Right toe next to Left
35-36 Step to the right on Right, Touch Left toe next to Right
Man's Vine Left With Turn, Brush Lady's Left Rolling Turn, Brush
Release Left hands and raise Right hands
37 Step to the left on Left Step to left on Left and begin a 1 1/4 Left rolling turn under
 upraised Right hands
38 Cross Right behind left Step on Rt & continue 1 1/4 Left rolling turn
39  Step to the left on Left making 1/4 turn left Step on Lt & complete 1 1/4 Left rolling turn
40 Brush Right forward Brush Right forward
Partners now face FLOD in the Right Side by Side position.
Shuffles Forward
1&2 Shuffle forward (RLR)
3&4 Shuffle forward (LRL)
5&6 Shuffle forward (RLR)
7&8 Shuffle forward (LRL)
Vine Right, Kick
9-10 Step to the right on Right, Cross Left behind Right
11-12 Step to Right on Right, Kick Left forward and slightly to the right
Man's Vine Left, Brush, Lady's Left Rolling turn. Brush
Release Left hands and raise Right hands
13 Step to left on Left Step to left on Left & begin a full Left rolling turn
traveling to the left
14 Cross Right behind Left Step on Right & continue full Left rolling turn
15 Step to the left on Left Step on Left & complete full Left rolling turn
16 Brush Right forward Brush Right forward
Rejoin Left hands returning to Right side by side position facing LOD
17 - 32 Repeat beats 1 through 16[ SECTION B ]