The McGraw Stroll

CHOREOGRAPHED By        Jean Garr & James Gregory [503 777-0777]
DESCRIPTION:                    Partner Dance Sweetheart (side by side, lady On Right]
MUSIC                                Welcome To The Club. by Tim McGraw

1-6            Step forward on right [ 45 degrees to right ], Tap left beside right;
                step back. on left [ 45 degrees to left ], tap right beside left; step back on
                right foot 1/4 turn right, Tap left beside right

7-12          Step left with left, cross right behind. Step left with left, cross right behind,
                step 1/4 left with left, brush right (now facing L.O.D.).

13 -16       Step down on right, pivot 1/2 turn left, step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left.

17 -20       Vine Right, touch left beside right
21-21        Vine Left, touch right beside

25 - 28      Stepping right, left, right man turns lady full turn to his right in crossed
                arm position, brush left

29 - 32      Stepping left, right, left, man leads lady across and behind his back to his left
                into a hammerlock position, brush right,

33 - 36      Stepping right, left, right, man will let go of lady's right hand, turning her clockwise
                in front of him to his right side, step on left.

37&38       Right shuffle forward
39&40       Left shuffle forward
41&42       Right shuffle forward
43&44       Left shuffle forward