Movin' West

Choreographed by CINDY HALL (518) 854-9260
Description  Progressive Partner Dance Right Side-By Side position
Music  Heart's Desire - Lee Roy Parnell
Just Let Me into Your Heart - Mary Chapin Carpenter.,
Take It Back - Reba McEntire

This dance was choreographed as a special gift to Bev and Ernie Valentino who moved
from New York to Texas in June 1997

Side step, cross, Kick Ball Cross, Right Toe-Heel Strut, Heel Touch, Hook
1-2  Step to the right on Right, Cross Left behind Right and step
3&4  Kick right forward, Step on ball of Right next to Left, Cross Left over Right and step
5-6  Step forward on ball of Right, Step down on Right heel in place
7-8  Touch Left heel forward, Cross Left in front of Right shin

Turning Shuffle, Back Shuffles, CCW Military Pivot

Raise Left hands and pass them forward over lady's head
9&10  Shuffle (LRL) making a 1/2 turn CW on these steps
Partners now face RLOD in the Left Skaters position, Left hands crossed over Right
11&12  Shuffle backward (RLR)
13&14  Shuffle backward (LRL)
Raise Left hands and pass them back over lady's head
15-16  Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/2 turn CCW on Right and shift weight to Left
Partners now face FLOD in the Right Side-By Side position.

Vine Right, Cha-Cha-Cha, Steps Forward, Hitches

17-18  Step to the right on Right, Cross Left behind Right and step
19&20  Cha-Cha-Cha to the right (RLR)
21-22  Step forward on Left, Turn diagonally to the left while hitching Right knee


Step forward on Right, Pivot 1/4 turn CW on ball of Right while hitching Left knee

Partners now face OLOD in the Indian position.

Double Vine Left, Turn

25-26  Step to the left on Left, Cross Right behind Left and step
27-28  Step to the left on Left, Cross Right behind Left and step
Release Left hands and raise Right hands
29 Step to the left on Left  Step to the Lt on Lt & begin a 1 1/4 turn CCW
30 Cross Right behind Left  Step on Right & continue 1 1/4 CCW turn
31  Step to the left on Left  Step on Left & making a 1/4 turn CCW complete 1 1/4 CCW, turn
Rejoin Left. hands returning to Right Side-By Side position facing FLOD.
32 Scuff Right forward  Same as man
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert April 2001