Let's Play The field
1&2 3&4 5-6 7-8 9 10 11 12 &13-14 &15-16 &17 18 &19 20 & 21&22 23-24 25&26 27&28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36 37-38 39-40 41-42 43-44 |
SHUFFLE FORWARD RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT, SHUFFLE FORWARD LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT Step forward on right, step left next to right, step forward on right Step forward on left, step right next to left, step forward on left JAZZ SQUARE WITH 1/4 TURN Cross step right over left; step back on left Step 1/4 turn to the right on right; touch left next to right Man claps lady's right hand with left while joining other hands on count 8 ROLLING LEFT VINE WITH TOUCH Release hands & step on left and begin a full to the left rolling turn toward LOD Step on right and continue full to the left rolling turn Step on left and complete full to the left rolling turn Touch right next to left (clap hands at shoulder level) 1/4 JUMP TURN, HIP BUMPS, 1/2 JUMP TURN, HIP BUMPS Man & lady on same foot work Jump 1/4 turn right, bump hip to the left, bump hip to the left (partners facing opposite) Jump 1/2 turn left, bump hip to the right, bump hip to the right (partners facing opposite) 1/4 TURN JUMP BACK RIGHT-LEFT, CLAP, JUMP FORWARD RIGHT-LEFT, CLAP Jump back onto right foot turning 1/4 right, jump back onto left foot next to right Clap hands with partner at shoulder level (facing each other) Jump forward onto right, jump forward onto left next to right Clap hands with partner at shoulder level (facing each other) After last hand slap man places his left hand on top of lady's right hand PIVOT, FORWARD SHUFFLE, 1/2 PIVOT TURN Pivot 1/4 turn to the right on ball of left Step forward on right, step left next to right, step forward on right (release hands) Step forward on left, pivot 1/2 turn right (join hands) FORWARD SHUFFLE, FORWARD SHUFFLE Step forward on left, step right next to left, step forward on left Step forward on right, step left next to right, step forward on right 1/4 TURN, VINE LEFT ENDING WITH RIGHT TOUCH (DOWN LOD) Step left left turning 1/4 turn right (join both hands), step right behind left Step left to the left, touch right next to left (man drops right hand) Couple should be facing each other on count 29 STEP, KICK, STEP, KICK Step right on right slightly backward, kick left across in front of right Man points left hand right Step left on left slightly backward (man drops left hand and picks up ladies left with right), kick right across in front of left (man points right hand left) 3/4 ROLLING RIGHT VINE ENDING WITH LEFT TOUCH Release hands & step 1/4 turn right on right, step left over right turning 1/2 turn right Step right foot slightly back, touch left next to right (man picks up lady's left with right) Both should be facing down LOD on count 39 STEP FORWARD, SLIDE, STEP FORWARD, SCUFF Step forward on left, slide right behind left Step forward on left, scuff right next to left When shuffling swing hands forward on inside lead and swing hands backward on outside lead REPEAT |
effort has been made to ensure these cue
Sheets are accurate, Should you find any
errors, Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert |
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk | May 2003 |