The L Bay Strut
(Let’s be ‘aving you)

Choreographed by Alan & Thelma Finch 023 9252 7307 - 23/12/2003 - 
Description Couples Dance, In Sweetheart (Side by side), both on same feet,
weight on right feet. 64 beats of music
Music When the Devil wants to wrestle - David Ball, CD-Amigo
Never gonna break again, Tracy Byrd, CD-Ten rounds
Stayin’ up late (Thinkin’ about it), Dwight Yoakam, CD - Population me
Next big thing, Vince Gill, CD-Next big thing
I will hold my ground, Daryl Worley, CD - Have you forgotten (Fast)
Rocky road blues, Dwight Yoakam, CD - In other words (Fast)
Or any four beat strut music

This dance is dedicated to Geoff, our friend and class bouncer, who passed away recently.

	Left heel touch forward, together, side, together
1-4 	Touch Left heel forward, touch Left toe next to right, touch Left toe out to left, 
	touch Left toe next to right
	Left, Right, Left heel struts
5-10 	Left heel strut, Right heel strut, Left heel strut
	Right heel touch forward, together, side, together
11-14 	Touch Right heel forward, touch Right toe next to left, touch Right toe out to
	right, touch Right toe next to left
	Right, Left, Right heel struts
15-20 	Right heel strut, Left heel strut, Right heel strut
	Left step forward, slide, step, Hitch Right half turn
21-24 	Left step forward, slide Right up to left, Step forward Left, Hitch Right turning 
	1/2 turn left to face RLOD 
	(Releasing right hand and passing left arms over mans head,
	taking up right hands in front in VW hold )
	Right step forward, slide, step, Hitch Left 1/2 turn
25-28 	Right step forward, slide Left up to right, Step forward Right, Hitch Left turning 
	˝ turn left to face LOD 
	(Passing left arms over ladies head back into sweetheart hold)
	Left forward Mambo step
29-32 	Rock forward on Left, in place on Right, step Left next to right, hold
	Right back Mambo step
33-36 	Rock back on Right, in place on Left, step Right next to left, hold
	Left, Right, Left heel struts
37-42 	Left heel strut, Right heel strut, Left heel strut
	Right forward Mambo step
43-46 	Rock forward on Right, in place on Left, step Right next to left, hold
	Left back Mambo step
47-50 	Rock back on Left, in place on Right, step Left next to right, hold
	Right, Left, Right heel struts
51-56 	Right heel strut, Left heel strut, Right heel strut
	Left step lock step hold and Right step lock step hold
57-60	Left step forward, slide and lock Right behind left, Left step forward, Hold
61-64	Right step forward, slide and lock Left behind left, Right step forward, Hold
	Happy Dancing
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert January 2004