Just the Basics 

CHOREOGRAPHED By 	Rick Bates (219) 365-8319
DESCRIPTION: 		32 count, Four wall line dance
MUSIC			Basic Good-bye by Neil McCoy
			Mr. Know-lt-All - The Kentucky Headhunter Big Time - Trace Adkins, Start all on Vocals
	Toe-Heel Touches, Stomps, Claps
1 	Turn right toe inward and touch next to Left instep
2 	Turn right toe outward and touch Right heel next to Left instep
3-4 	Stomp Right forward, Hold and clap hands
5 	Turn left toe inward andtouch next to right instep
6 	Turn Left toe outward and touch Left heel next to Right instep
7-8 	Stomp Left Forward, Hold & Clap hands
	Sailor Shuffles, Heel Swivels, Turn, Kick - Ball Cross
9&10	Cross Right behind left & step, Step slightly left on Left Step Right next to Left
11&12	Cross Left behind Right & step, Step slightly right on Right, Step Left next to right
13-14 	Swivel heels to left, Swivel heels to the right making 1/4 turn left
15&16	Kick right forward, Step ball of Right next to Left, Cross Left over Right & step
	Weave Right, Hip Bumps
17-18	Step to the right on Right, Cross left foot behind Right and step
19-20 	Step to the right on Right, Cross Left foot over right and step
21-22 	Step slightly to the right on Right & bump hips to right twice
23-24 	Shift weight to Left & bump hips to left twice
	Kick, Out-Out, Double Heel & Toe Swivels, Monterey Turn
25&26	Kick Right forward, Step right slightly to the right,
	Step left about shoulder width from left
27-28	Swivel heels inward, Swivel toes to center
29-30 	Touch right toe to the right, Pivot 1/2 turn right on ball of left & step Right next to Left
31-32	Touch Left toe to the left, Step Left next to Right
Music Available from Broken Wheel Records 01473 827376......Nov 99