I'm Here

Choreographed by 	Lisa Bodnar / Crew Country Line Dancing – July 2019 
Description 	4 Wall, 32 Count, High Beginner Liner Dance
Music 		I'm Here - Kolby Oakley
*Official Line Dance of "I’m Here" Beer! (July 2019)

1-8 	Kick R 2x, Triple Step, Kick L 2x Triple Step
1-2 	Kick right foot forward twice
3&4 	Triple step in place R -L-R by stepping back down on R foot, picking L up and then
	stepping down on it followed by picking up R foot again and stepping weight down on it.
5-6 	Kick left forward twice
7&8 	Triple step in place L-R-L by stepping down on L you just kicked forward, picking R up
	and then stepping down on it followed by picking up L again and stepping weight down on it.

9-16 	Heel/Toes Slide R Together Touch/Stomp (repeat L)
9-10 	Right heel touches forward in front of you, right toe then touches back
11-12 	Step R foot out to right side with a big step sideways and slide L foot to meet R with a touch
	(or a stomp for extra effect!) (*do not transfer weight onto left)
13-14 	Left heel touches forward in front of you, left toe then touches back
15-16	Step L out to left side with a big step sideways and slide R to meet L with a touch
	(or stomp!) (*do not transfer weight on to right)

17-24 	Step Backs with Hitches
17-18 	Step back onto R and then hitch left knee (you will be moving backwards during all step backs)
19-20 	Step back onto L and hitch right knee
21-22 		Step back onto R and hitch left knee
23-24 Step back onto L and hitch right knee
Note: 	(*Since this is the official line dance for "I’m Here" beer, for styling purposes
	you can hold your "I’m Here" beer in the air during these step backs!)

25-32 	Hips RR, LL, Walk R, Walk L, Step R ¼ Turn Pivot
25-26 	Step forward on right while bumping hips forward right twice
27-28 	Step forward on left while bumping hips forward left twice
29-30 	Walk forward on your R, walk forward on your L
31-32 	Step forward on R and make a ¼ pivot over your left shoulder (weight goes to left
	(For styling purposes you can give it a hip roll as you make the turn!)
	Got Questions? Email us 				August 2019