Hillbilly Rock Hillbilly Roll

Choreographed           Sheila Vee, Carol Hick & Rob Fowler
Description                 Four wall line dance.Beginner
Music                           Hillbilly Rock Hillbilly Roll - Woolpacker's Band 
               CROSS RECOVER
1 &          Cross right over left(1) Lift the left & replace it (&)
2             Step the right back in place
3 &          Cross the left over right (3) Lift the right& replace it (&)
4             Step the left back in place 
5 &          Step the right to the right side.Close left next to right.
6 &          Step the right to the right side.Close left next to right
7             Step the right foot to the right side
& 8          Stomp left . stomp right 
               FORWARD ROCK / BACK ROCK
9 &          Rock forward onto left. Lift right and replace it
10 &        Rock back onto left. Lift right and replace it
11           Close left next to right
& 12        Swivel both heels to the right and back to centre
               1/4 TURN LEFT / CAMEL WALK (With lasso motion )
&            Turn a 1/4 turn to the left (weight on ball of right)
13           Step forward on left foot. (2 lassoo swings over head with right hand)
&            Slide right to left
14           Step forward on left [slight pause]
15           Bring right in place
& 16        Place hand behind your head and bump hips forward twice
               START OVER 				 September 2000