Dylan's Country

Choreographed By Jane Turner.
Description Partner Dance, Start in Side by Side position.
Music Here in the real world. by Alan Jackson

  Both partners
1 - 2 Left step to left, Right step behind.
3 & 4 Left rock to left. Right rock in place.
  Bring left back beside right with weight on it.
5 - 6 Right step to right, Left step behind right.
7 & 8. Right rock to right, Left rock in place.
  Bring right foot back beside left with weight on it.
9 -10 Rock forward on the left. Rock back in place with right .
11 -12. Bring left back beside right and hold for one beat.
13 - 14. Rock back on the right . Rock back in place with left 
15 - 16. Bring right foot back beside left and hold for one beat.
17 - 20. Left step forward at 45 degrees. Lock right behind left.
  Left step forward at 45 degrees. Brush right forward.
21 - 24. Right step forward at 45 degrees. Lock left behind right.
  Right step forward at 45 degrees. Brush left forward,
  MANS STEPS left vine LADY STEPS. rolling turn.

Drop left hand, and raise right When turn is complete bring right hands down
to ladies waist. Rejoin left hands at ladies waist.

25 - 28 Left step to left, Right step Lady does a three step turn to her left
  behind left. Left foot step to left and starting Left right left finishing right
  step with right foot slightly apart. slightly apart in front of the man
29-32 BOTH PARTNERS. Two hip bumps to the right, two hip bumps to the left.
33-36 BOTH PARTNERS Hip bumps Right, left, right and left.
  Now drop left hands and raise right hands
37- 40 BOTH PARTNERS three step turn to right starting with right foot and finishing
  with a left touch. The lady is now next to the man in side by side position,
41-48 Four Shuffles:- Left shuffle, right shuffle, left shuffle, right shuffle.
  Start Over
  Music Available from Broken Wheel Records 01473 827376

Jan 2000