Double Dizzy
CHOREOGRAPHY By 	Larry & Terri Boezeman 219-987-2327 -
         Adapted from line dance Dizzy choreographed by Jo Thompson
DESCRIPTION 		4 Wall line dance for partners Position - Closed position
MUSIC 			Dizzy, Scooter Lee
		This is the man's footwork only, the lady will do Dizzy the line dance
1-8 	Rock Step, Coaster Step, Rock Forward, Rock Back
1-2 	Rock back on Left, recover Right
3&4 	Step forward on Left, step together with Right, step back on Left.
5-6 	Rock back on Right, recover on Left.
	(Lead lady in full underarm turn with Left hand)
7-8 	Rock forward on Right, recover on Left. (return to closed position)
9-16 	Cross, Side, Sailor Shuffle, Cross, Side, Sailor Shuffle
1-2 	Step Right across Left, step Left to Left side.
3&4 	Step Right behind Left, step Left to side, step forward on Left.
5-6 	Step Left across Right, step Right to Right side.
7&8 	Step Left behind Right, step Right to side, step forward on Right.
17-24	Cross, Side, Shuffle Back. Free Spin
1-2 	Step Right across Left, step Left to left side, turning 1/4 turn clockwise.
	(open position, single hand hold, man's left hand ladies right hand)
3&4 	Shuffle back Right, Left, Right.
5-6 	Rock back on Left, recover Right. (release hands)
7-8 	Pivot 1/2 turn CW on Right while stepping back on Left. Pivot 1/2 turn
	CW on Left while stepping forward on Right. (rejoin hands)
24-32	Shuffle Forward, Step 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Forward, Rock Step
1&2 	Shuffle forward Left, Right, Left.
3-4	Step forward on Right, pivot 1/2 turn CCW shifting weight to Left
	(man's left hand & ladies right hand still joined)
5&6	Shuffle forward Right, Left, Right
7-8	Rock forward on Left, recover Right. (return to closed position)