Choreographed by Denny & Delma Rhett (918) -536-3665
Description Progressive Partner Dance in Right Side-By-Side
Music Fine, Fine, Very Fine Love - Pam Tillis (teach)
Even if I Tried - Emilio (dance)

Heel Splits, Left Heel Hook
1-2 Split heels apart, Bring heels back together
3-4 Repeat beats 1 and 2
5-6 Touch Left heel forward, Cross Left in front of Right shin
7-8 Touch Left heel forward, Touch Left toe back
Step-Scoots, Vine Left, Hop & Hitch
9-10 Step forward on Left, Scoot forward on Left hitching Right knee
11-12 Step forward on Right, Scoot forward on Right hitching Left knee
13-14 Step to the left on Left, Cross Right behind Left
15-16 Step to the left on Left, Hitch Right knee while hopping slightly on Left
Step-Scoots, Vine Right, Touch
17-18 Step forward on Right, Scoot forward on Right hitching Left knee
19-20 Step forward on Left, Scoot forward on Left hitching Right knee
21-22 Step to the right on Right, Cross Left behind Right and step
23-24 Step to the right on Right, Touch Left next to Right
Pivots, Toe Touches
Release Left hands and Raise right
25-26 Step forward on Left, Pivot 1/2 turn Right on Left and shift weight to Right
27-28 Repeat beats 25 and 26
Rejoin left hands and resume Right Side by Side facing FLOD.
29-30 Touch Left toe forward twice 31, 32 Touch Left toe to the left twice
Left Diagonal Step, Slide, Step, Scuff, Right Diagonal Step, Slide, Step, Stomp
33-34 Step diagonally forward to the left on Left, Slide Right up behind Left heel
35-36 Step diagonally forward to the left on Left, Scuff Right forward
37-38 Step diagonally forward to the right on Right, Slide Left up behind Right heel
39-40 Step diagonally forward to the right on Right, Stomp Left next to Right (stomp down)
Begin Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert
http://www.arjjazedance.free-online.co.uk August 2001