Come and Go Cha Cha
Choreographed by Kathy Hunyadi, Danbury CT, 9/9/96 203-798-9312 
Special thanks to Johnny Two Step[UK] for his help on this dance.
Description 32 count Circle Partner Dance Starts in side -by-side
(a.k.a Sweetheart) position facing LOD
Please Don't Walk Away by Great Plains
Music Learning As You Go by Rick Trevino

1,2,3&4 Touch left heel forward & hook in front of right leg, cha cha forward L,R,L
5,6,7&8 Rock forward on R, in place on L, coaster step RL,R
1,2,3&4 Man: rocks slightly left on L, in place on R, cha cha in place L,R,L
  (Raises right arm over lady's head & brings it down in front of him at waist level; hands are now crossed with lady at man's left side)
  Lady: Step on L turning 1/4 turn to left, continue to turn left 3/4 to complete 360 degree turn, step in place on R, cha cha in place L,R,L (Maintaining, both right & left hand hold, hands should be crossed and lady should be to man's left)
5,6,7&8 Both cross R foot in front of L and rock forward, in place on L, cha cha in place R,L,R
1, 2,3&4 Man: Dropping right hands, rock slightly to left on L, in place on R, cha cha in place L,R,L 
(re-take lady's right hand when she is behind man)
  Lady: Step back on L, step to right on R, 
(now directly behind man, re-take right hand), cha cha in place L,R,L
5,6,7&8 Man: Dropping left hands & raising right arm (lady ducks under to return to man's right side), Rock slightly right on R, in place on L, cha cha in place R,L,R
  Lady: Step to right on R, forward on L, cha cha in place R,L,R 
(lady is now in original starting position & re-takes left hand)
1,2,3&4 Man: Rock back slightly on L, in place on R, cha cha in place L,R,L 
(Raising right arm over lady's head, turning her inside to face him; hands are crossed at waist level)
  Lady: Step to left on L 1/4 turn, continue to turn 1/4 left stepping in place on R, cha cha in place L,R,L (lady should be facing man)
5,6,7&8 Man: Walk forward R, L,cha cha forward R,L,R 
(drop left hands, turn lady outside 1 1/2 times to resume side-by-side position)
  Lady: Turn right 1 1/2 times to face LOD; R, L, cha cha forward R,L,R

C.D's & Tapes Available From Roots Country Music  -- [44] 0151 488 0678

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert

January 2000