C.R.S. (Cowboy Rhythm Strong) Choreographed by Dan Albro (01/29/2015 )mishnockbarn@gmail.com www.mishnockbarn.com Description 2 Count, Beginner/Intermediate Partner Pattern Dance Start: Side by side, facing FLOD, Like footwork except where noted. Music I Can Drink to That All Night -: Jerrod Niemann (116bpm) Sweet Little Something - Jason Aldean (119 bpm) Riverbank - Brad Paisley (117 bpm) Unchain My Heart - Joe Cocker (117 bpm), Intro: 32 count intro, start with vocals Especially for: "Dans le Cadre des 12 Heures", Au HonkyTonk le 31 janvier 2015 (1/31/2015)1-8 CHANGE SIDES, COASTER STEP, CHANGE SIDES, COASTER STEP 1,2 Lady Step R over L cross in front of man, turn ¼ right stepping back L (OLOD) 3&4,5 Step back R, step L next to R, step fwd R, step fwd L 6,7&8 Turn ½ left stepping back R (ILOD), step back L, step R next to L, step fwd L 1,2 Man Step side R, left hands over ladies head turning ¼ left stepping back L (ILOD) 3&4,5 Step back R, step L next to R, step fwd R, left hands over ladies head turning ¼ right stepping side L 6 Right hands over ladies head turn ¼ right stepping back R (OLOD) 7&8 Step back L, step R next to L, step fwd L9-16 both KICK BALL CHANGE, KICK BALL CHANGE, ½ TURN SHUFFLE, SHUFFLE SIDE 1&2 Release left hands kick R angle fwd left, step back on ball of R, replace weight fwd L 3&4 Kick R angle fwd left, step back on ball of R, replace weight fwd L 5&6 Release right hands turning ¼ left stepping side R, step L next to R, turn ¼ left stepping back R 7&8 Step side L, step R next to L, step side L picking up right hands17-24 KICK BALL CHANGE, KICK BALL CHANGE*, TURNING SHUFFLES INTO SIDE BY SIDE POSITION 1&2 Both Kick R angle fwd left, step back on ball of R, replace weight fwd L 3&4 Kick R angle fwd left, step back on ball of R, replace weight fwd L* 5&6 Lady Turn ¼ left stepping side R, step L next to R, turn ¼ left stepping back R 7&8 Turn ¼ left stepping side L, turn ¼ left stepping R next to L, turn ¼ left stepping fwd L (FLOD) 5&6 Man Release right hands turning ¼ left stepping side R, step L next to R, step back on R 7&8 Turn ¼ left stepping side L, step R next to L, pick up both hands turning ¼ left stepping fwd L (FLOD)25-32 both STEP, LOCK, SHUFFLE FWD, STEP, LOCK, SHUFFLE FWD 1,2,3&4 Step fwd R, step lock L behind R, step fwd R, step L next to R, step fwd R 5,6,7&8 Step fwd L, step lock R behind L, step fwd L, step R next to L, step fwd L Repeat*Tag: Once, When dancing to "I Can Drink to that all Night" ADD an additional kick ball change to the 3rd eight count on the second time through the pattern. March 2015