Choreographed by  JIM LEON -- (815) 741-0203
Description Partner Dance Right Side-By Side, Footwork is Mirror Image Mans steps Noted,
Music   Two Car Garage - B.J. Thomas
Hallelujah, I Love You So - George Jones & Brenda Lee

Hotel Whiskey - Hank Williams, Jr

Neon Moon" by Brooks & Dunn

Boot Scootin' Boogie - Brooks & Dunn

Take Your Memory With You - Vince Gill

Walk Softly On This Heart Of Mine - The Kentucky Headhunters

Toe & Heel Touches, Foot Bump. Step Back. Hitch

1-2  Touch Left toe to the left, Touch Left toe next to Right instep
3-4  Touch Left toe to the left, Touch Left toe next to Right instep
5-6 Touch Left heel forward, Touch Left toe back
7-8 Touch Left heel forward, Cross Left in front and touch Left foot with lady's Right
9-10 Step back on Left, Hitch Right knee

Forward Shuffles

11&12 Shuffle forward (RLR)
13&14  Shuffle forward (LRL)
15&16 Shuffle forward (RLR)
17&18  Shuffle forward (LRL)
Turn, Vine, Hitch, Vine, Turn & Hitch            Release all hands
& Pivot 1/4 turn Left on ball of Left, Lady will turn right
19-20 Step to the right on Right, Cross Left foot behind Right
21-22 Step to right on Right, Hitch left knee slightly*
23-24 Step to the left on Left, Cross Right behind Left
25-26  Step to the left on left making a 1/4 turn right, Hitch Right knee slightly
Rejoin hands returning to Right Side By Side position.

Forward Shuffles

27&28  Shuffle forward (RLR)
29&30  Shuffle forward (LRL)
31&32  Shuffle forward (RLR)

Vines & Hitches          Release all hands

33-34  Step to the left on Left, Cross Right behind Left
35-36 Step to the left on Left, Hitch Right knee slightly
Man crosses behind lady and switches sides on the following vine
37-38 Step to the right on Right, Cross Left behind Right
39-40 Step to the right on Right, Hitch Left knee slightly
Partners are now in a Left Side by Side position facing FLOD.

Forward Shuffles, Lady's Shuffle Around Man, Forward Shuffles

41&42  Shuffle forward (LRL)
43&44 Shuffle forward (RLR)
45&46 Shuffle forward (LRL)
Keep hands joined
47&48 Shuffle in place (RLR)  Shuffle (LRL) and begin circling Lt around back of man
49&50 Shuffle in place (LRL)  Shuffle (RLR) continuing to circle left around man
51&52 Shuffle in place (RLR)  Shuffle (LRL) continuing to circle left around man
53&54 Shuffle in place (LRL)  Shuffle (RLR) continuing to circle left around man
55&56  Shuffle in place (RLR)  Shuffle (LRL) competing left circle of man
Lady is now at man's Right side. Rejoin Hands in Right Side by Side position facing FLOD.
57&58  Shuffle forward (LRL)
59&60  Shuffle forward (RLR)

* Kankakee variation: A.S.T. Bump your partner's bottom on this beat.

Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert May 2001