Choreographed by Rick & Deborah Bates (219) 365-8319 E-Mail 
Description 32 Count - Progressive Partner Dance in Tandem Position, Facing L.O.D.
Music   Baby's Got My Number - South Sixty Five
I'll Be There If You Ever Want Me - Heather Myles
New Old Songs - Neal McCoy

Diagonal Step-Slide, Touch, CCW Rolling Turn, Touch
1 - 2 Step forward and diagonally to the Right on RIGHT, Slide LEFT next to Right and step
3 - 4 Step forward and diagonally to the Right on RIGHT ; Slide and touch LEFT next to Right
Release Right hands and raise Left hands
5 - 6 Step to the Left on LEFT and begin a 3/4 CCW rolling turn traveling to the Left;
Step on RIGHT and continue 3/4 CCW rolling turn
7 - 8  Step on LEFT and complete 3/4 CCW rolling turn; Touch RIGHT next to Left
Rejoin Rt hands above Lady's Rt shoulder - Partners now face O.L.O.D. in the Indian Position
Triple Steps, Rock Steps  Turning Shuffles, Rock Steps
Raise Left hands....
9&10 Triple step in place (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT) Shuffle in place (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT)
making a 1/2 turn CW on these steps
Partners now face each other in the Crossed Double Hand Hold Position, Left hands over Right.  
Man faces O.L.O.D. and Lady faces I.O.L.D.
11 - 12 Step back on LEFT, Rock forward onto RT  Step back on LEFT ; Rock forward onto RT
Raise Left hands again....
13&14 Triple step in place (LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT)  Shuffle in place (LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT)
making a 1/2 turn CCW on these steps
Partners have now returned to the Indian Position, facing O.L.O.D.
15 - 16 Step back on RIGHT, Rock forward onto Left  Step back on RIGHT ; Rock forward onto Left
Kick, Pivot, Kick, Triple Step, Rock Step, Pivot, Forward Shuffle
17&18  Kick RIGHT fwd; Pivot 1/4 turn CW on ball of LEFT Kick RIGHT forward
Partners now face R.L.O.D. in the Left Side-by-Side Position.
19&20 Triple step in place (RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT)
21 - 22  Step forward on LEFT ; Rock back onto RIGHT
& Pivot 1/2 turn CCW on ball of RIGHT
Partners now facing L.O.D. in the Right Side-By-Side Position.
23&24  Shuffle forward (LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT)
Diagonal Step-Slides, Touches Diagonal Rolling Turns, Touches
Release Left hands and raise Right hands.
25 - 26  Step forward and diagonally to the Right on RIGHT, Slide LEFT next to Right and step Step forward and diagonally to the Right on RIGHT
and begin a full CW rolling turn traveling to the Right,
Step on LEFT and continue full CW rolling turn
27 - 28 Step forward and diagonally to the Right on RIGHT,
 Touch LEFT next to Right
Step on RIGHT and complete full CW rolling turn;
Touch LEFT next to Right
NOTE:   Man does the following steps almost in place allowing partner to end in front of Man.
29 - 30 Step slightly forward and diagonally to the Left on
LEFT, Slide RIGHT next to Left and step
Step fwd and diagonally to the Left on LEFT and begin
 a full CCW rolling turn traveling to the Left, Step on
 Right and continue full CCW rolling turn
31 - 32 Step slightly forward and diagonally to the Left on
 LEFT, Touch RIGHT next to Left 
Step on LEFT and complete full CCW rolling turn;
 Touch RIGHT next to Left
Partners rejoin hands in the Tandem Position.
Begin Pattern Again
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert April 2001