Angels Waltz
Choreographed by lsabelle Wilkie - 01772 633162
Description Partner dance, 54 Counts, Waltz
Music Play me the waltz of the angels - The Derailers

Gent Lady
Closed Western position facing OLOD Closed Western position facing ILOD
1 step forward on left step back on right
2-3 step fwd right beside left, transfer weight onto left step back left beside right, transfer weight onto right
4 step back on right step forward on left
5-6 step back left beside right, transfer weight onto right step fwd right beside left, transfer weight onto left
7 step back on left step back on right
8-9 step back right beside left, transfer weight onto left step back left beside right, transfer weight onto right
Cuddle gent raises lady's right hand for lady to 1/2 turn, keeps lady's left hand at waist Cuddle 1/2 turn over left
10-12 step fwd on right, step fwd left beside right, transfer  weight onto right step fwd left pivot half turn left, step onto right touch left beside right
13-15 step forward on left, step fwd right beside left, transfer weight onto left step forward on left, step fwd right beside left, transfer weight onto left
16-18 step forward on right, step fwd left beside right transfer weight onto right step forward on right, step fwd left beside right transfer weight onto right
19-21 step back on left, step back right beside left, transfer weight onto left step back on left, step back right beside left, transfer weight onto left
22-24 step back on right, step back left beside right, transfer weight onto right step back on right, step back left beside right, transfer weight onto right
25 Keeping hold of hands, gent draws lady into an 'Arch' position, left raised for lady's 1 1/4 turn, gents right hand at lady's waist, step left, step right behind Keeping hold of hands, 1/4 turn over right shoulder arm raised in an 'Arch' position, left hand at waist position, whilst moving in LOD
26-27 left, right, left, Left, step left with 1/4 turn
28 gent is facing LOD ,both walk whilst moving in LOD lady's walking backds both walk whilst moving in LOD
29-30 right, left, right right, left, right
Pin wheel turn' full turn to count of six beats ' Pin wheel turn' full turn to count of six beats
31-33 left, right, left left, right, left
34-36 right, left, right right, left, right
37-39 as lady is walking from behind gent, he travels forward to count of three, left, right, left Lady walks round from behind gent to his left side
left, right, left
40-42 both walk forward - right, left, right both walk forward - right, left, right
Gent takes diagonal steps three times 'Twinkle steps' change places three times
43-45 Lt diagonal to Lt, Rt beside Lt, Lt in place step left to outside circle, right, left step
46-48 Rt diagonal to Rt, Lt beside Rt, Rt in place step right to inner circle, left, right step
49-51 step Lt diagonal to Lt. Rt beside Lt, Lt in place step left to outside circle, right, left
52-54 step fwd right, left, step right with 1/4 turn right step forward right, step left 1/4 turn left, touch Rt
Every effort has been made to ensure these cue Sheets are accurate, Should you find any errors,
Please let me know via e-mail thank you...... Robert June 2001