1,2, & Then ? Waltz

Choreographed by	John & Bonnie Newcomer
Description	Partner Dance, Closed Position
Music		Rock and Roll Waltz - Scooter Lee

1	Left step forward 				Right step back
2-3 	Right step next to left, step left in place  		Left step next to right, step right in place
4-6 	Rock forward on right, hold, hold  		Rock back on left, hold, hold

7	 Left step forward  Right step back
8-9 	Right step next to left, step left in place  		Left step next to right, step right in place
10-12 	Step in place [RLR] end in hand to hand position  	Left full turn (L,R,L) end in hand to hand position

13 	Left step forward  				Right step back
14-15  	Right step next to left, step left in place  		Left Step next to right, step right in place
16 	Right lunge to outside L.O.D  			Left lunge to outside L.O.D
17-18 	Left toe drag to right and hold  			Right toe drag to left and hold
	Release Lady's left hand & Gents pass underarm as lady circles around 
	Gent 3/4 Turn to the rightThen gent turns 1/4 to left

19-21 	Step forward Lt., Rt., Lt. (arms over gents head)  	Step Rt., Lt., Rt. start circling gent 3/4
22-24 	Step Rt., Lt., Rt., make turn 1/4 left  		Step left, right, left finish circling gent
	(Now facing inside LOD join hands)  		(Now facing outside LOD, join hands)

25-27 	Rock in place side to side, left, right, left  		Rock in place side to side, right, left, right
28-30 	Right full free spin (CW) right, left, right  		Left full free spin (CCW) left, right, left

31 	Step left across front of right  			Step right across front of left
32 	Step right to right side  			Step left to left side
33 	Step left behind right  				Step right behind left
34-36 	Rock in place side to side, right, left, right  		Rock in place side to side. left, right, left

37-39 	Step left, right, left  				Step right, left, right
	(Release Lady's R hand, lead to R underarm pass)  	(Release Gents L hand, pass under Gents R arm)
40	Step right 1/4 turn to right (CW) facing L.O.D.	Step left 1/4 turn to left (CCW) facing L.O.D.
41-42 	Left step next to right, step right in place  		Right step next to left, step left in place
43-45 	Stepping left., right, left in place  			Stepping Rt. Lt. Rt. with 1.1/2 free spin (CCW)
46 	Right step forward (Into closed position)  		Left step back (into closed position)
47-48 	Left step next to right, right step in place 		Right step next to left, left step in place
						August 2000